Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Captain Manning, Part Deux - The Follow-Up

To pick up from last time: Stunts are these nifty things that you create to make your character more bad-ass.  Enough sides, on to the main course!

When the group and I sat down to create characters, one of the options on the table was to play a clone.  I really liked this idea.  When someone says you're a 1 in a million guy, they don't realize that there are 20 at home just like you!  There were a lot of reasons why I wanted to play this character, but the primary of which was to play a fish out of water.  Clone culture is not human culture.  It's close in a lot of respects, but it isn't the same.  Kind of like Fox News: it's really close to journalism, but it isn't journalism.

As we went through the development stages of our characters, one stage is to create a story that links you to someone else at the table.  Storn and I linked up by having his character free the clone slaves on a ship that was burning up in space.  My character, having been trained as a pilot, had "saved the day" thanks to quick thinking on both of our characters' parts.  Thus began a bit of fun with my freedman, Carter, enjoying his freedom and going so far as to have a slipship (thanks to one of my stunts).  I named it The Libertine to which Anton (Storn's alter ego) stated he approved.  I really liked that we both got something out of this exchange - Anton became a firm believer in abolition; Carter became enamored of freedom and wants to share it.  Anton took the name to mean a pleasure-seeker; whereas, Carter took the more traditional meaning of being a freed slave.

In our first game, we encountered a family (who is also a business interest) from the poor side of the cluster.  They were transporting clone slaves.  We managed to get them to free them in exchange for contract negotiation in good faith.  Then, they had the temerity to pick up another batch on the way to their home system.  Anton used his gambling prowess to free that lot. And Carter managed to convince the family to abandon slaves and turn to robots instead.  Yay, social combat!  Woot!

So, little by little, my fish out of water is becoming a faltering and stammering liberator.  I guess I just want to make my ship proud.

All for now.

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